成立於2011年4月1日 銀行代號 822(中國信託羅東分行) 帳號 164540050155 戶名:宜蘭縣語言治療師公會 E-mail: yilanslp@gmail.com 會址:宜蘭縣頭城鎮頂埔路一段51號 通訊地址:宜蘭縣羅東鎮中正南路160號(馬仁光大樓三樓 語言治療辦公室) 連絡電話:03-9544106 #8320 #8321

2012年5月2日 星期三


Dysphagia Boot Camp: Evidence-Based Intensive Dysphagia Therapy
講 者:歐陽來祥 老師 Melody Ouyoung
美國南加州大學附設醫院 語言治療部 主任
時  間:101年06月03日(星期日)上午9時~下午5時
地  點:國立臺北護理健康大學城區部C401教室(北市萬華區內江街89號)
名  額:限100名
呑嚥困難的原因很多,吞嚥障礙會影響到病人的生活品質。嚴重的吞嚥障礙,可能發生在中風、帕金森氏症及頭頸部腫瘤的病人身上,對於臨床人員來說經常是項挑戰。此研習班是專注因為中風、帕金森或有頭頸部腫瘤而引起的吞嚥困難的臨床處理,並簡要說明McNeill Dysphagia Therapy Program(MDTP)的核心概念,包括:頻率、強度、速度及協調等面向。同時,也將分享講者親自主持的Dysphagia Boot Camp的密集治療策略,此策略能夠使得吞嚥治療的成效更佳。課程中利用影音教學,讓學員瞭解何謂吞嚥的床邊評估及改良式鋇劑評估。此外,學員會學習到如何根據測量的結果進行成效評估。學員將透過分組討論,針對個案的病史及影片中個案呈現出的問題,來設計治療計畫。參與的學員除了能夠學習到吞嚥的治療技術外,也能夠在與夥伴互相練習的過程中建立信心。

Multiple etiologies may cause dysphagia and affect patient’s quality of life. Severe dysphagia presents challenges for the clinicians. This presentation will address the challenges to deal with dysphagia after having stroke, Parkinson and head and neck cancers. The presenter will review the key concepts of McNeill Dysphagia Therapy Program (MDTP), such as frequency, intensity, speed and coordination. Dysphagia Boot Camp was invented to improve the treatment outcome of dysphagia training. Swallowing assessment both bed-side and Modified Barium Swallowing Video study will be covered. Audio and video clips of dysphagia treatment and modified swallowing video studies will be presented. The participants will learn to use outcome measures to measure the success of the treatment. They also have the chance to work in groups to review the medical history, video clips and design the treatment plans for each case. Furthermore, the participants can learn specific swallowing techniques and apply on each other to gain the confidence.

The participant will be able to identify three reasons for exercises-based dysphagia training
The participant will be able to demonstrate how to identify clinical behaviors to indicate aspiration
The participant will be able to use outcome measures to document the progress of treatment
備  註:101.4.30.歐陽來祥老師的提醒與建議
 詳細內容 101.4.30.歐陽來祥老師的提醒與建議
