成立於2011年4月1日 銀行代號 822(中國信託羅東分行) 帳號 164540050155 戶名:宜蘭縣語言治療師公會 E-mail: yilanslp@gmail.com 會址:宜蘭縣頭城鎮頂埔路一段51號 通訊地址:宜蘭縣羅東鎮中正南路160號(馬仁光大樓三樓 語言治療辦公室) 連絡電話:03-9544106 #8320 #8321

2012年6月14日 星期四

[耳鼻喉科國際菁英研討會] 與您分享世界級的專家經驗 與最新醫技研討

二、上課日期/地點10171 () 14:00 ~17:30
                    台大醫院國際會議中心401 (台北市中正區徐州路2)
三、報名時間 :即日起至101627日截止。(100人止)
四、報名費用 : 免費
五、報名方式 : 1.Email報名:請將「報名表」emailslha.slh.org@gmail.com
六、學分認證 :屬聽力專業課程,積分申請中。台灣耳鼻喉科醫學會積分申請中。
七、說明: 1.尊重演講者,研習學員請勿自行錄影、錄音。

Curriculum Vitae of Joseph Kei
Appointments (most recent first)
Jan, 2011 to present
Associate Professor & Head of Division of Audiology
University of Queensland (School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, SHRS)
Sept. 2005  to present
Head of Division of Audiology
University of Queensland (SHRS)
2002 to 2010
Senior Lecturer (Level C)
University of Queensland (SHRS)
May 1996 to Dec.2001
Lecturer (level B)
University of Queensland (Dept of Sp Path & Audiology)
Feb 1994 to Apr. 1996
Research assistant (NHMRC)
University of Queensland (Dept of Sp Path & Audiology)
Senior Inspector (Head of Screening, Referral & Placement Unit)
Special Education Section, Education Department, Hong Kong Govt.
Inspector (Audiologist)
Special Education Section, Education Department, Hong Kong Govt.
Assistant Inspector
Special Education Section, Education Department, Hong Kong Govt.
Assistant Education Officer (Teacher)
Education Department, Hong Kong Govt.

Qualifications, Awards, Memberships (most recent first)

Institution (if relevant)
Academic Qualifications
University of Queensland

PG Dip. Audiology
University of Melbourne

PG Dip. Special Education
VictoriaCollege, Australia

Cert. Ed.
University of Hong Kong

University of Hong Kong

Awards, incl. Fellowships
Best Poster award at the 19th National Conference of the Audiological Society of Australia

Certificate of Outstanding Service (Audiological Society of Australia)

Award for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning (Faculty of Health Sciences, UQ)

Departmental Research Excellence Award

A/Prof Kei is the Head of the Division of Audiology, coordinating the Master of Audiology Studies Program with a total enrolment of 70 local and international students. About 12-15 research higher degree students are enrolled in MPhil and PhD programs. He was the founder of the Hearing Research Unit for Children, leading three research teams: investigating (1) hearing screening of newborns, infants and school children, (2) hearing loss in children with cancer, (3) middle ear problems in neonates, and (4) speech perception in children using the University of Queensland Understanding of Everyday Speech Test (UQUEST) he developed in 2000. For the last 12 years, he has obtained more than A$ 1,000,000  in research grants from institutions including the highly prestigious National Health and Medical Research Council grant scheme. At the University of Queensland, he supervised to completion 5 PhD, 55 Masters, 8 B.Speech Pathology Honours students. Currently, he supervises 4 PhD, 1 MPhil, and 3 Master of Audiology Studies students in their research projects.

A/Prof Kei has achieved a high profile in audiology at both national and international levels. He is currently an Associate Editor of The Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing. He is also an editorial board member of the Communication Disorders Quarterly (USA) and International Associate editorial member of the Journal of the American Academy of Audiology (USA). He has been a regular reviewer of research papers in the area of diagnostic audiology for international journals, and external examiner for research grants for the Hong Kong Research Council. To date, he has given 46 presentations at national and international conferences. He was an invited speaker at national and international conferences and institutions 20 times. These institutions include the Audiological Society of Hong Kong, Tohoku University (Japan), Singapore General Hospital, University of Western Ontario (Canada) and University of Auckland (New Zealand) and University of Bristol (UK). Of the 20 invited presentations, four were plenary lectures or keynote addresses.

To date, he has published one book, four book chapters, 53 conference abstracts and 72 papers in peer-reviewed national and international journals. A/Prof Kei and his students publish in prestigious international journals, including 5 papers in the Ear & Hearing Journal and 2 papers in Audiology and Neurotology with an Impact Factor of 1.9 -2.3. In 2003, he published a highly influential paper which informs clinicians of an innovative procedure to test the middle ear function of newborn babies. Another paper he published in 2003 was awarded the BEST paper published in the Journal of the American Academy of Audiology.

At the international level, he was invited to participate in collaborative research work with GN Otometrics Ltd. (Denmark), which provided funding and equipment for research in testing the middle ear function of newborn babies since 2000. He also has research collaborations with Prof. Hiroshi Wada of Tohoku University (Japan), Prof. Bradley McPherson of the University of Hong Kong, Dr. Fei Zhao of the University of Bristol (UK), Prof. Linda Hood of Vanderbilt University (USA) and Dr. RafidahMazlan of the National University of Malaysia.

A/Prof Kei has organised national and international meetings three times, namely, National Conference of the Audiological Society of Australia (ASA) in 2004 and 2006, and International Conference on Speech, Language and Hearing in the Asia Pacific Region in 2007. In 2008, he was awarded a National Certificate of Outstanding Service by the ASA for his dedication and service to the profession. He was the Hon. Treasurer of the Asia Pacific Society for Speech, Language and Hearing (2004-2007).

Dr. Carol Barnett

Carol Barnett, AuD, CCC-A, F-AAA is the International Export Training Manager for Oticon.  Dr. Barnett is responsible for training Oticon Export accounts around the world. Dr Barnett also provides professional and technical support related to Oticon product and software issues as well as visiting customers for seminars and open house events.

Dr. Barnett has worked in a variety of settings including otolaryngology offices, private audiology practices, hospitals and manufacturers.  She has experience will all aspects of audiometric testing such as basic evaluations, evoked potentials, vestibular testing, hearing aid evaluations/fittings and rehabilitation. 

Dr Barnett has extensive international experience and has been a guest speaker at numerous audiology and otolaryngology congresses and seminars around the world.  She has experience consulting with international hearing healthcare professionals in all aspects of clinical testing, hearing aid fittings, open houses, practice management and marketing.
Dr. Barnett earned her BA and MCD degrees in Communicative Disorders and Audiology from Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA and her doctorate degree in Audiology from Arizona School of Health Sciences, Mesa, Arizona, USA.  She is a fellow member of the American Academy of Audiology.


14:00 ~ 14:40
The new techniques of  Cochlear implants
Dr. Mary-Beth Brinson
14:40 ~ 15:20
NewBorn Hearing Screening in Australia – how to confirm the case and for the future
Prof. Joseph Kei
Head of Division of Audiology, University of Queensland
15:20 ~ 15:50
15:50 ~ 16:30
The integration of Bluetooth with hearing aid technology– Let’s talk about the benefits for hearing aid users.
Dr. Carol Barnett
Senior International Trainer
16:30 ~ 17:10
Frequency Lowering
